Louis de funès en pologne



L. de Funes równiez w Polsce ma wielu fanów. Jest popularny, jest lubiany, jest uwielbiany! Ten wielki maly czlowiek zaskarbil sobie sympatie, skradl serca wielu. Wielu podziwia go na szklanym ekranie smiejac sie szczerze, znakomicie sie bawiac patrzac na jego mistrzowska gre, znakomite miny, po prostu widzac go! - Ewa



LdF has many fans also in Poland he is popular, he is liked, he is adored. That great little man stole hearts of many people. Losts of people admire him on screen laughing loud and having great fun looking at his brilliant play, magnificent faces and just being > able to see him.


----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Kisiel
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 2:59 PM
Subject: Louis de Funes book in Polish


Hello, The long awaited book on louis de Funes has been edited in Poland at last. The author is Stephane Bonnotte and I enclosed the cover of it. If you are interested I could send you this Polish edition!Just let me know. I very often visit your site - I am big fan of Louis. Hope you are doing well and I wish you happy& peaceful Easter. Greetings Robert

Merci à Ewa pour son article
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